In the evening of Wednesday May 10th 1893, seven brethren met at the house of Bro. Richard Ambler in Woburn St., Ampthill “To consider the possibility of founding a Masonic Lodge for Ampthill and District”. Those present signed a petition on June 15th which was sponsored by St John the Baptist Lodge.
Their efforts were not at first successful, for at their next meeting in the afternoon of July 27th, they were surprised to learn by letter from Lord Ampthill that he had declined to grant their petition. They persevered, however, and deputised three of their number to meet the P. G. M. “for a full discussion of the reasons why he had refused to sanction the new lodge in Ampthill”.
When they met again on December 14th they were delighted to learn that their petition had been duly presented, granted and signed. A letter from Lord Ampthill dated September 28th 1893, assuring them of “all the personal and financial help that he was able to give”, “my warmest good wishes”, and, “my trust that the future would prove that I was wrong in hesitating at all”.
Why he hesitated and, for that matter, why he relented we shall never know, suffice it to note that the warrant was granted on October 12th 1893. At the preliminary meetings it had been decided that the Lodge would be called ‘The Ampthill Lodge’, whether by accident or design we have no idea but the name served to designate the meeting place and at the same time honour the Provincial Grand Master.
It was also decided early on that the meeting place should be The White Hart Hotel, Ampthill, and that the first Master should be W/Bro F. Webb – a Solicitor of Bedford. The December meeting also decided that “All brethren accepting office in the new Lodge would donate the collar and Badge of his office” and, “All founders would pay £5 so as to open a Bank account”.
When one considers that £5 in those times, represented approximately two weeks wages for a skilled man, becoming a founder was an expensive step.
In the following April the fees and subscriptions were agreed: A Joining Fee 2 gns. Initiation Fee 6 gns. Annual Subscription 1 gn.
In the next few months the consecration arrangements were made.