First Minute Book - Ampthill Lodge
Preliminary Meeting 10 05 1893
Minutes 27 07 1893 p1
Minutes 27 07 1893 p2
Minutes 14 12 1893

The first minute book of the Ampthill Masonic Lodge, giving a record of the business transacted at all the preliminary meetings from May 10th 1893 to audit  meetings 1895
Brother R Pierce
Pulloxhill Vicarage


Minutes of the Preliminary meeting

10th May 1893

A meeting was held at the house of Brother Richard Ambler to consider the possibility of founding a masonic lodge for the Ampthill and district. The following Brethren were present:

Bro         Rev Percy Pearce P.G.C.
“              Ralph Pearce
“              Chas. Slatter
“              R.P. Jarvis P.G.T.
“              J.W. Webb
“              Woodman Clarke
“              Richard Ambler

Proposed by Bro. R. Pearce “That the Lodge be called The Ampthill Lodge”
Seconded by Bro. J.W. Webb

Proposed by J.W. Webb “That the place of Meeting be at Mr Fray’s White Hart Hotel”
Seconded by Bro. Jarvis

Proposed by Bro. Slatter “That the 1st Tuesday in the month be the day of the meeting.”
Seconded by Bro. Percy Pearce


Meeting Held at Bro. Amblers House July 27th 1893 at 3.30. There were Present Bro. J.W. Webb in the chair, Brethren P.J. Pearce, Ralph Pierce, W Clark, Ambler, Kilpin, Slatter and Smith.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The letter from the Right Worshipful the Pro Grand Master Lord Ampthill in answer to the petition sent to Bro. PJ Pearce’s letter declining upon the reasons stated to sanction a new lodge was read and discussed as the grounds upon which the petition (or signature to the petition) was declined was not felt to be sufficient or satisfactory it was resolved to send a deputation to his Lordship. The following resolution (moved by Brother Smith and seconded by Bro Kilpin) being passed unanimously:-

“That Brethren Pearce, Webb and Ambler be a deputation to Lord Ampthill for the full discussion of the reasons given for refusing to sanction for the present a new lodge at Ampthill”.

It was also unanimously resolved upon the motion of Brother Clarke, seconded by Brother Ambler, “that Bro. P.J. Pearce be requested to write to Lord Ampthill expressing the views of this special meeting to requesting an early interview.”

Bro. Webb


At a meeting of the Founders of the Ampthill Lodge 2490 held at Bro. R Ambler’s house December 14th 1893, Bro. R Ambler in the absence of Bro. J W Webb, WM Elect, took the chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

The following letter from Lord Ampthill was read and ordered to be entered upon the minutes. At the same time Bro. Pearce reported the result of the interview with his Lordship and explained that the petition had been duly signed, presented and granted.

Dear Bro. Pearce

After long hesitation I have come to the conclusion that a lodge at Ampthill has a reasonable chance of proving a useful addition to the craft and an ornament to the Province and accordingly I return you your petition signed, trusting that you will pardon me for further delay in this important matter.