About 2490_Admin

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So far 2490_Admin has created 13 blog entries.

Installation of a New Master

One of the highlights of being a Freemason is to work through the various roles within a Freemason's Lodge and after a number of years of hard work [...]

Historic Lodge Banners On Display

We are very pleased that the original Ampthill Lodge and Lovell’s Bury Lodge banners are now proudly displayed in the Ampthill Masonic Centre having been safely stored [...]

Ampthill Lodges Reunited

After many many years, the brethren of Ampthill Lodge were delighted to re-establish contact with their sister lodge, the Lodge Ampthill in Coimbator in India under the District [...]

1899 Bedfordshire Yearbook

An annual yearbook is produced by the Province of Bedfordshire with details of current lodge members and the positions taken within the lodge in that year. [...]

2nd Anniversary Summons

This is the Summons for the 2nd Anniversary of The Ampthill Lodge, where Bro. Ralph Pearce was to be installed as the new Worshipful Master of Ampthill Lodge on [...]

Preliminary “Lodge” Minutes 1893

The first minute book of the Ampthill Masonic Lodge, giving a record of the business transacted at all the preliminary meetings from May 10th 1893 to audit  meetings [...]

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