Installation of a New Master
One of the highlights of being a Freemason is to work through the various roles within a Freemason's Lodge and after a number of years of hard work [...]
One of the highlights of being a Freemason is to work through the various roles within a Freemason's Lodge and after a number of years of hard work [...]
What a superb meeting at the Ampthill Lodge last night. We were blown away by the immaculate ceremony of the Past Masters and [...]
We are very pleased that the original Ampthill Lodge and Lovell’s Bury Lodge banners are now proudly displayed in the Ampthill Masonic Centre having been safely stored [...]
The Ampthill Lodge was pleased to host a very popular Cockney Night themed Festive Board at it's April 2023 meeting, following the [...]
Ampthill Lodge, hosted by W. Bro. Stewart, held it's annual ladies weekend in March 2023. This is [...]
After many many years, the brethren of Ampthill Lodge were delighted to re-establish contact with their sister lodge, the Lodge Ampthill in Coimbator in India under the District [...]
We see here a set of gavels which are typically used in freemasons lodge meetings by the Worshipful Master and his Wardens, the gavel being a sign [...]
An annual yearbook is produced by the Province of Bedfordshire with details of current lodge members and the positions taken within the lodge in that year. [...]
This is the Summons for the 2nd Anniversary of The Ampthill Lodge, where Bro. Ralph Pearce was to be installed as the new Worshipful Master of Ampthill Lodge on [...]
The first minute book of the Ampthill Masonic Lodge, giving a record of the business transacted at all the preliminary meetings from May 10th 1893 to audit meetings [...]